
How to Use

This category will educate readers about the best ways to use Kratom. It will also answer the general questions, confusions, and myths on Kratom. There is less information from scientific sources, but the user experiences will tell you the general precautions, dosage guideline, and warnings with Kratom use. Find out more by exploring the articles here.

Kratom and opiates

Kratom And Opiates Cross-Tolerance

What is cross tolerance? Cross-tolerance is a natural response of the body which is a differentiated response to individual actions produced by any drug. Most...

How Long Does Kratom Stay in Your System?

To identify the duration of action of Kratom in our body, it is necessary that we highlight all the aspects that affect its absorption,...
kratom hangover

How to Get Rid of Kratom Hangover?

Kratom hangover is a rare phenomenon and is something that totally depends on your Kratom taking habits. The consumption of Kratom should be based on...
Kratom nausea

How to Get Rid of Kratom Nausea Fast?

When beginning as a Kratom user, many users don’t know their initial tolerance and at times they face crippling Kratom nausea. It can be...
use kratom right ways

What is the Right Way to Use Kratom?

When a doctor prescribes, he also tells you how to use the medicine, when to use, the dosage, and interval, before the meal or...
ease kratom withdrawal

How To Ease Kratom Withdrawal? Timeline & Withdrawal Methods

Kratom is a herb that comes from the leaves of Mitragyna speciosa, a tree found in tropical countries. The leaves are crushed and made...

How Long Does it Take for Kratom to Take Effect?

Effects of the Kratom start right after 10 to 15 minutes of its use, and can last for 2 hours if taken at a...
kratom extract tinctures

Kratom Extract Tincture: What is That & How To Make?

Making Kratom extract tincture is an easy task provided that you have all the required ingredients and you follow all steps that are needed...
kratom powder kratom capsules kratom extracts

Kratom Powder Vs Kratom Capsules Vs Kratom Extracts

Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) has been a traditional medicinal herb of South Asia. It is popular for its stimulant, analgesic and euphoric effects. Kratom was widely...
Kratom Dosages In Teaspoons

How Many Grams Or Teaspoons Of Kratom Powder To Take?

The most common question we are asked is that what exactly is the right amount of dosage of Kratom in order to get the...